- 01 Electronics, have experienced manpower in the Field of consultancy, engineering, procurement, construction, site supervision, testing, commissioning and startup of the electromechanical projects for industrial sector and high voltage substation For example 220/22/22 KV Substation.
FOR (switch gear 220 KV& 22 KV, Control, protection, AC/DC, communication and other Panels related to GIS operation, Power transformers, Medium voltage cables, AND Low voltage and control cables).
Installation of 3 Power Transformers ODAF 500/ 22 kV YnD11 with OLTC on HV:
- Installation of off- load tap changer / Installation of control box/DGA control box / Erection of vacuum valve / Installation of Surge Arrestor steel support / Installation of radiator / Installation of fan/pulled cable & termination / Installation of fixing beam / Termination activity of control box.
Installation of 3 Power Transformers ODAF 500/ 22 kV YnD11 with OLTC on HV:
- Installation & connection LV bushing / Installation of HV Bushing / Installation of HV adaptor CT box / Installation of Surge Arrestor braising and radiator braising / Pipe assembly / Installation of SA/cables/surge monitoring/counter / Installation of conservator support tank / Installation on –line gas monitoring.
- Cable raceways and trays complete with accessories including trays / Grounding system complete with grounding conductors, ground rods and associated accessories / Low voltage cables complete with accessories.
New Capital Combined Cycle
Power Plant (4800 MW)
01 Electronics, have done Installation of 3 Power Transformers ODAF 500/ 22 kV YnD11 with OLTC on HV, & all electrotechnical work from low voltage cables laying, control cables laying & Instrumentation cables laying with all of it’s accessories & electromechanical works.
01 Electronics, have done all the upgrades of Cairo Regional Control Center (CRCC) project.
- Cable laying & pulling, cable trays installation outdoor & indoor
- Installation of new RTU panels, cable termination & connecting.
- Commission & Start-up of RTU panel & End-to-End final acceptance tests.